Domestic Violence Conversation
Dive into a conversation with a few FOCUS for Mothers Facilitators on the facts, risks, and resources surrounding Domestic Violence.
If you are experiencing or having a conversation about DV and someone discloses that they are a victim or survivor, you can refer them to:
- If they are in immediate danger, please call 911, a local hotline, or the U.S. National Domestic Violence Hotline at (800) 799-7233 and TTY (800) 787-3224
- One Safe Place: For help with Domestic Violence: 817-916-4323
- Safety planning: Safety Planning is the corner stone for intimate partner violence interventions and is an individualized process, taking into account each survivor’s unique situation.
- myPlan is a tool to help with safety decisions if you, or someone you care about, is experiencing abuse in their intimate relationship. Everyone deserves to be safe in their intimate relationship, and every situation is unique. myPlan can help you identify, navigate, and provides resources for a range of relationship abuse concerns.
- Voices Domestic Violence support group
- BIPP Class – Batterers Intervention and Prevention Program is psycho-educational program designed to give clients the tools needed to achieve healthy intimate relationships. BIPP classes are conducted in-group format and designed to address and challenge clients’ beliefs that lead to violent and controlling behavior. BIPP is designed to give clients the skills to treat their partners with respect and handle conflict non-violently.