In 2020...
In an unprecedented year, the need for family support grew exponentially. Child abuse/neglect tends to increase during times of stress, social isolation and economic downturn. The most vulnerable children in our community feel effects of COVID-19 more than most. Since children and families are isolated, they are hidden from mandated reporters and only severe abuse is being uncovered. The children and parents are isolated creating overwhelming stress requiring new, appropriate coping skills for parents. The families we serve are at higher risk than ever before...
1,816 parents served in 2019
78%of those parents earned less than $30,000 that year
>50%are in minority groups and are at higher risk and vulnerability during the pandemic
At NewDay, we walk alongside parents, through classes and coaching, on their journeys to becoming the loving, engaged role models their children need. With the increased need in 2020, we have stepped up to ensure every family we serve can receive services.
Our programs served more than 1,600 parents in 2020, equipping parents across North Texas with the tools they need to change the narrative of past failures and mistakes, and create brighter futures for themselves and their families. |